Tag: haircuts
Haircuts For The Square Face Shape
When it comes to a square face shape, the goal is to keep the face from appearing longer than it is naturally. There are many things that contribute to lengthening a square face– hair length, volume and cut. Here are a few ideas for you gorgeous rectangle gals! Layer away! Adding lots of layers to…
Haircuts For The Round Face Shape
Let’s be honest- SO many of us think we have a round face. But when it comes to face shapes you really want to try and be sure you know which one or two you are. Use this guide to get a more accurate answer. The best way to sum up a round face is…
Haircuts For The Heart Face Shape
Did you know a true heart face shape has a widow’s peak? True story. The cheek area is slightly wider than the hairline and then drops into a pointed chin. There are no wide-set/squared off corners along the jawline. I think Kourtney Kardashian is a pretty great example of a heart face shape (and some…
Haircuts For The Diamond Face Shape
On to the next one– the gorgeous diamond face shape! If you’re a diamond, your hairline is more narrow. Also, starting below the ear your jawline comes to a point at your chin. (If your jawline narrows but your hairline is wide, then stay tuned for the inverted triangle face shape which coming will be…
Haircuts For Inverted Triangle Face Shape
Last but clearly not least in our haircuts talk on face shapes we have the inverted triangle face.(Hooray!!) Inverted is just a fancy way of saying “upside down” or “flipped”. Knowing that you can clearly see that an inverted triangle face shape is wider at the forehead than it is at the jaw. Most of…