Whether hairstyles always have to underline a certain style is debatable. But you don’t necessarily have to describe yourself as a dandy to wear this chic hairstyle. Rather, it is a very suitable cut for spring. Not as much bare scalp as with short undercut or sidecut, because the modern dandy wears the hair (especially the top hair) a little longer. The modern dandy wears rich brown in a very classic way. In any case, very wearable with the warm colors of spring, with fashion such as thinner coats. Especially to outfits with a business look … and here we come to dandyism. The dandy’s hairstyle is carefully staged: of course, the hair should fit perfectly and still look after little effort
What is Modern Dandy?
Who is this dandy anyway? Like any style, this is of course difficult to define or there are often very personal interpretations … but let’s give it a try: According to the dictionary, the Englishman George Bryan Brummeil is considered the founder of dandyism in the 18th century. This one was a real gentleman! Friedrich Kluges once defined the dandy as follows: “young people who visit church or fair in conspicuous clothing”.
Well, that was a long time ago. The real modern dandy is looking for something more than that. He is elegant, always well and originally dressed. His manners are perfectly formed by a gentleman. He detests the bright, loud and perfumed – he cultivates his appearance. Aesthetics is his religion. It’s not just about fashion for him, his entire appearance is almost aristocratic, he embodies the real gentleman. For all those who are interested in dandy and need a style guide for all cases, the book “Gentleman: A Timeless Guide to Fashion” is recommended. With him you can make yourself a modern dandy, perfect or check your style.
The hairstyle must of course also match. This is also elegant and perfectly shaped. The longer top hair falls over the soft, slightly shorter undercut without a visible finish. A gentle transition makes the hairstyle appear very soft and stylish. The hair – the bangs, so to speak – is held for the longest on the front head. This enables a multitude of styling variations. All in all, this hairstyle is very harmonious and can go perfectly with the outfit or style.